Food Slicing & Sanitation Explained With A 3D Product Animation

Industrial3d 3d Animations virtual reality graphic design branding tulsa houston 24

Urschel Laboratories came to Industrial3D to produce a 3D product animation of the TranSlicer 2520 Cutter.
A newly designed product meets the demand for increased processing and sanitation. This slicer is designed to make fresh-cut salads, vegetables, and fruits for commercial food processing. In addition to the slicing capabilities, it is precisely engineered to promote water drainage, taking sanitation to the next level. The 3D visualization of this product makes it easy to understand by seeing the moving parts, pieces, and water in fluid animation.


A great quote for an amazing product, “Precision, High Capacity Slicing Meets Next Level Sanitation.” With a 3D product animation, the visualization promotes the development of next-level marketing capabilities. By displaying the design concept, viewers can understand how the TranSlicer 2520 reduces cleaning times and gives access to every machine area. The technical details of such machinery can only be seen in the marketing process by using 3D product animations. The likelihood of customers understanding the product increases significantly by providing a visual source of information. Watch the animation to see:

The use of product animations to sell commercial food products is increasing in popularity due to the improved sales by allowing potential clients and customers to see the product in use. It also increases understanding of the engineering details involved in machinery, equipment, and products of all types. Learn more about industrial product animations by visiting
A great way to view the use of 3D media in product marketing & development is that you can easily through visual means. 3D product animations open up many possibilities to let the creativity flow and stay true to the company’s brand. 

According to nationwide statistics, the global animation market continues to grow by hundreds of billions of dollars each year. As a result, the future of marketing, sales, training, and internal company material is sure to include product animations.

Be sure to subscribe to Industrial3D on YouTube for 3D simulations, 3D animations, virtual reality and more immersive media development.

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