Industrial3D Featured In Newsletter

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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]“We are not just artists, we have technical backgrounds so we are easy to work with and understand your industry.” CEO and Founder, Beau Brown, and his team have over 20 years working with a variety of industries producing phenomenal 3D animation! In addition to oil, gas and energy, Beau and his team are expanding into medical and dental animation, visit

About Industrial3D

Industrial3D specializes in developing 3D creative media, which covers many areas in the industrial, energy, legal and medical markets. Our services provide 3D animation, training games, graphic design, 3D printing, augmented & virtual reality. This allows our clients to better explain and demonstrate their products or services to potential clients or to train employees, visit

In this subsea animation it explains a how a multiphase pump works. The OneSubsea product animation explains how this OneSubsea Processing Systems Boosting accelerates production targets, delivering an immediate return on investment.

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