Top Stories In Virtual Reality & AR In January 2023

The roundup for this week's top 3 stories involves a Virtual Reality experience in the Orland airport, Chipotle's AR lenses to encourage healthy habits, and VR training for firefighters. Let's take a look!

The roundup for this week’s top 3 stories involves a Virtual Reality experience in the Orland airport, Chipotle’s AR lenses to encourage healthy habits, and VR training for firefighters. Let’s take a look!

Realmotion and Smart Monkeys deliver interactive experience at Orlando Airport

“According to Realmotion founder and project lead Alexandre Simionescu, the installation in the Airside Hub of the new Terminal C is a destination itself where passengers can walk through three monumental curved 2mm LED displays that form a circle.

“The Moment Vault reflects Orlando International Airport’s established air, water and sky aesthetic and provides an exciting new opportunity for visitors to create lasting travel memories and form positive associations with the airport and the city of Orlando,” Simionescu said. “The immersive real-time experience is made possible through Realmotion’s latest G32 real-time media servers and Fusion tracking technology that instantly converts a subject’s motion into digital wireframes that are integrated into the onscreen content produced by creative studio Gentilhomme, providing delightful selfie-ready moments.”

Chipotle to encourage healthy living via augmented reality

As part of this New Year’s customer health focus, Chipotle is also launching a wellness-inspired AR lens on Snapchat to encourage customers to maintain healthy habits. Lenses are virtual animations overlaid on a Snapchat photo.

In partnership with Snapchat, the company created an AR lens designed to encourage customers to follow Chipotle-inspired exercises and meditation prompts. The Chipotle AR lens will launch on Friday, Jan. 13, 2023. This date is also known as “Quitter’s Day,” as it is said to be the day people are most likely to give up their New Year’s resolutions. 

Virtual reality for immersive multi-user firefighter-training scenarios

The objectives of this study were to identify and describe a training scenario and integrate VR motion capture. This was conceptually outlined and implemented in the prototype. The training scenario addressed disaster management situations in a maritime context. The implementation focused on the interaction in a multi-user scenario and described the synchronization of the VR environments of the training participants and linking of the sensor data. The prototype presented is to be considered as a preliminary work related to extinguishing a fire on a container ship in a VR training scenario.

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