Manufacturing Industry Takes Things Virtual

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The pandemic has created a massive change in how companies showcase their products this year. Everything is going virtual, so there is no surprise that the manufacturing industry held the 2020 Manufacturing Day virtually with people throughout the country. shared in their article, 2020 MFG Day Goes Virtual To Promote Its Virtues, the following,


“Manufacturers have implemented a range of creative solutions to operate during the pandemic to provide needed goods and protect the safety of their workers. It was no surprise then, that Manufacturing (MFG) Day 2020 proceeded in full force on October 2nd with engaging digital and virtual events throughout the country held to promote career opportunities in modern manufacturing and strengthen community ties.”


You might ask, “What is Manufacturing Day?” explains,

“Manufacturing Day 2020 kicks off a month-long series of virtual events to engage our communities and promote careers in modern manufacturing.

A joint initiative of the Manufacturing Institute and the Fabricators and Manufacturing Association (FMA), the inaugural MFG Day was held in 2012. Since then, the first Friday in October traditionally kicks-off a month-long series of special events designed to promote manufacturing careers to students, teachers, parents, job seekers, and local community members.” goes on to explain the role manufacturing has today:

“‘As we celebrate MFG Day across the country over the next month, we are reminded of the important role that modern manufacturing plays in each of our lives. From the masks and clothes we wear to the food we eat, modern manufacturing is at the heart of our country and, as the pandemic continues, will lead the way to our recovery and renewal,’ said Manufacturing Institute Executive Director Carolyn Lee. ‘This year’s MFG Day, more so than ever before, is a uniquely powerful opportunity to bring awareness to the high-paying, rewarding and meaningful career opportunities in our industry and to open minds to what’s possible with a career in modern manufacturing.'”

Using virtual platforms in the manufacturing industry is of utmost importance and value for the future. No one can afford to stop the production of their services or equipment. That is where virtual learning, online training programs, and visual simulations come into play.

Below are some examples where 3D immersive technology is beneficial to manufacturing companies:

Train More Efficiently.
Reduce Operational Costs.
Rapidly Increase Skill Level.
Portable, Take It Anywhere You Go.
Display Data In Easily Seen 3D Animations.
Explain Your Services Visually.

How do you see the manufacturing industry using 3D immersive technology and virtual reality? Do you see a benefit to virtual learning in the manufacturing company? We would love to hear from you!

As a company at the forefront of marketing, we see more and more companies implement virtual solutions. Just as we see satisfied and successful results from the 1st virtual 2020 Manufacturing Day to date.

The Manufacturing Institute goes on to say,

“MFG Day 2020 looked a little different from last year, as the events celebrating modern manufacturing happened online instead of in person. But even amid the pandemic, there was a widespread outpouring of support for manufacturing, including from many policymakers.”


So, where will virtual 3D tech take your company in 2021? Industrial3D will provide the next step for your company to branch out into a virtual manufacturing platform.

Be sure to subscribe to Industrial3D on YouTube for virtual reality, the latest in 3D technology and more.


BP Gulf Oil Spill

Industrial3D Founder and CEO Beau Brown has been featured several times on CNN and other major media news outlets for oil & gas news. The main appearance was to explain aspects of the Deepwater Horizon BP oil spill using his 3D models and animations.  The interviews have been viewed thousands of times on social media sites such as YouTube. You can read more in our case study about it here.

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