The Use of Animations To Convey An Exciting Marketing Story


In the past decade, marketing has evolved, and with it, crowded digital spaces where you have to be truly exceptional to stand out. It’s a battleground for viewers’ attention – they have less time, and you have 3 seconds to captivate and then engage.

Some of the best ways to do this – animated explainer videos and storytelling animations. These powerful marketing tools are fast and effective. 

Check out how animated explainer videos can be utilized in marketing to tell compelling stories.

An Excitement In Marketing

Digital marketing covers a vast array of business types and platforms, from TVs and billboards to online media. Since movement biologically stands out to our eyes (to warn us of danger), it makes total sense how animated content is ideal for generating both excitement and fear in target audiences. The use cases here are infinite. They allow for marketing campaigns to wrestle any and all emotions from viewers. 

Emotions of eagerness for innovative solutions. Emotions that scream, “you need this!” The knowledge, experience, and imagination presented in animated explainers go much farther than a speech or written paragraph (not that they don’t have their uses). It can highlight the weaknesses and strengths of products in mere seconds. It can give credibility to someone who may have questions otherwise.

Right off the bat, our attention is snatched when we see movement. What happens next is dictated by the marketing strategy – but the foot is in the door. It’s a no-brainer to consider solid animated explainer content for any organization or public marketing campaign. Once your foot is in the door, the stakes heighten.

A Website That Is Stylish

So, you got their attention. Now what? Not only do you have viewers’ attention but also their opinions. The importance of this cannot be overstated. You have only a few additional moments to secure a positive outlook. And making your website stand out is the key here. A bland and generic look will garner neutral opinions and minimal engagement. This leads to either disappointment in audiences or, worse, being entirely forgotten in the annals of ads forevermore.

So, it’s essential to make it memorable. And sleek suave animations or cheesy raucous effects sprinkled throughout illustrations are sure to take something monotonous and transform it into a conversation piece. It doesn’t matter if it’s a ten-second intro, a creatively animated logo, or a product explainer video. If it’s stylish, it will stand out.

Websites with animations look and feel more credible. They have engagement. Animated content with style and personality is downright remarkable – they are increasingly memorable. 

Stop Customers At Tradeshows

It’s no secret that content marketing is changing. Unfortunately, setting up an eye-catching tradeshow booth is not as easy as it seems. But one of the fastest ways to remedy that – animated explainer videos and compelling storytelling. These strike a chord with your audience. Instead of continuing to walk by and forget about your company, they’ll stop and remember. 

Instead of having a generic, dime-a-dozen booth with plain brochures and route handouts, display a beautiful animation that highlights your company’s positive aspects. Creating a lasting impression that stands out from the crowd is a must. Period.


Ultimately, creating higher quality content for marketing by using animations – animated explainers, product animations, and visual marketing storytelling – leads to a better experience for audience members and thus produces increased customer leads. Immerse your audience in the story. Create a visual experience that convinces them of the story behind your company and your service and is worth being a part of.

Create a message that your company is ahead of the competition – that your company is the expert. Evoke excitement and awe with impressive visuals so that you are remembered as the go-to in your industry.

Watch Industrial3D’s brand new 2022 demo reel below:

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