Top 5 Creative Development Tips for Industrial Companies

Design, style, and the creative development of a company all begin somewhere. Therefore, a company’s creative development can take some serious consideration. Many questions are involved in determining the most appropriate direction to fulfill an industrial company’s vision and meet customer needs. In this article, we discuss the top five aspects that are critical for a company’s creative development.

Define Goals, Mission & Create a Brand Vision

While often confused with sales, creative business development has a far more extensive reach than sales alone. It is, therefore, crucial to the long-term success of any company – including industrial companies. The creative plan should outline your target audience, identify industry obstacles, provide a “game plan” for your company and define industry needs.

Having a vision with a defined mission and specified goals will help bring everything together and give way to the best options of sales, training, and marketing to give your industrial company the best chance for long-term success. 

While many people may overlook the importance of creative development for industrial companies, as with any business, encouraging creativity in the industry will help develop unique and innovative solutions, services, and products. Once your goals, mission, and vision are established, it moves on to the actual pieces of the puzzle to lay it all out.

Build An Effective Website

Many industrial companies may not have a more critical marketing asset than a website. However, building a fantastic website doesn’t happen overnight for most highly successful companies. Keeping a customer-focused mindset is necessary for making a framework for your website, with the right resources, powerful calls-to-action, and easy-to-navigate products or services.

A website is a vessel to showcase an industrial company’s unique services, innovative tools, or processes. It’s the first and many times last impression people have of a company. So let it be memorable and showstopping. Let it tell a story. And showcase why your customers need your products and services in your industry niche.

That’s what Industrial3D can help facilitate. We have the creative design, with expertise in industrial marketing, to take your website vision and build the proper framework – the easy-to-navigate service displays and deliver the vital aspect of a thoroughly modern, on-the-go mobile website. So whether a company is brand-new or has years of being established, a website will always translate into an impeccable investment for any business.

Publish Case Studies & White Papers

Another worthwhile goal to have as an industrial company is the development of case studies and white papers. It is a great way to draw attention to your company and increase customers. In other words, a case study shows you know what you’re doing and talking about in your industry.

White papers and case studies play a huge role in customer relations. While many people do not interact with a company before making the buying decision, being able to read a proof of results helps them decide to go with you as a company. Show your expertise, highlight client success and provide a deep dive into the critical industry issues that will prove the effectiveness of your tools and services.

The difference between the two is defined below(1):

  • Whitepapers are in-depth reports on a specific – often advanced – topic that presents a problem and a solution. They are often created to showcase a company’s expertise or innovation on a certain topic or new trend. Whitepapers take a traditional blog post to the next level, drilling down to nitty gritty concepts, often relying on academic, association or government research for source material.
  • Case Studies are offer detailed accounts of how a product or service helped solve a problem for a client. They clearly state a problem, scenario, solution and quantifiable results. Case studies can be an invaluable resource to establish proof of your product’s or service’s validity.

Using creative design for white papers and case studies can be highly beneficial in creating lovely illustrations or layouts of the topic explained. The need for illustrations and 3D modeling is another area Industrial3D has expertise in.

Complete Marketing With Brochures & Print Materials

In the grand scheme of creative development, brochures and printed marketing materials are all about design. A design will make or break it – to compel your audience to read everything about your company. Or end up in the trash can.

Understanding your industrial company personality is a must. If you don’t know your brand and the vision you want to display to your optimal customers, you will feel unclear in your path. Define what you will say in your brochure and how you will say it, then pair it with a stellar design. Speak to your customers in a relatable tone, with an intriguing message paired with the highest quality design, and your marketing success will be undeniable.

As a 3D production studio, Industrial3D has years of experience displaying 3D models of products, either individually built or pulled from animations, to create successful brochures and print marketing materials for the industrial sector.

Create a Tradeshow Presentation

Once your brand vision is defined, you’ve built it onto a website and gathered your marketing materials – where will you present it all? Industrial companies benefit significantly from tradeshow presentations. Trade shows are back on the agenda; according to research firm APCO insight (2) – about 8 in 10 professionals missed being able to attend tradeshows during the pandemic. 

Let’s take creative development up to another level. Your tradeshow booth must be eye-catching, dazzle your senses, or have something your specific industry needs. Signage is one of the most important aspects of a trade-show presentation. Create a display that will get you noticed. You want signage that will grab the show attendees’ attention – while keeping your brand highly creative and memorable. 

One of the top ways to make a showcase for your tools or services is a multi-media display. A projector or flat screen monitor playing a 3D animated explainer video, or showing a 3D model animation, will give your audience a fast, memorable impression. While you only have a few seconds to make an impression, there’s not much better than an animation or explainer video.

As Industrial3D has already given the option of helping create a stunning website and marketing materials to be reckoned with, 3D animation is our expertise. We can answer your visual marketing needs, so let us help you create your next tradeshow multi-media. Combined with the marketing materials already discussed that guide people to a user-friendly website, your company is sure to succeed.


Finally, a well-thought-out creative development plan will give your company the confidence and ability to succeed. Use these top five elements to create an innovative industrial company plan. While some industrial companies may have difficulty seeing the need for a creative side for their business, no company is too technical or specific for creativity.

In today’s digital world, every industry can benefit from interactive and highly visual content – optimized for any device. The power of immersive, well-designed visual content for digital marketing, tradeshows, IT support outsource, and websites are helping companies stay connected with their audience. Support your industrial company’s brand message and vision with a creative development plan that includes 3D animated explainer videos, well-designed marketing materials, and an all-inclusive and multi-platform website. Not sure where to start? Industrial3D can do it all.


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