Case Study: Animation Showing the Benefits of the EPM-2 Motor Patent

case study


Electric cars have been an exciting concept with ideas and new styles for years. However, one consistent problem when presented with an electric car is the charging aspect. First, how far can the car drive when charged? Or, where will it recharge? And, how long will it take to recharge? However, a new invention could change all of that with a new 21st Century Electric Generation motor. The Electromagnetic actuated generator can recharge itself as the vehicle drives, thus solving all the problems above. The United States has patented this invention, and the Patent Owner is Bill Lewis Sr. The Electromagnetic Platform Motor (EPM-2) has U.S. Patent No. 9641045. 


The Electromagnetic Platform Motor (EPM-2) is an Electromagnetic actuated generator mechanism. The magnetic field in use with the EPM-2 is a powerful electromagnetic device, similar to what is used in a wrecking yard to move heavy pieces of metal. It is on a platform with a track and wheel system that has a mechanism controlled by the magnetic field of a wound coil of magnet wire. The logistics of how the EPM-2 works are rather technical – the magnetic current is supplied by DC battery packs. First, the magnet connects to multiple levers with a ratchet system that transforms the reciprocating mechanical power into a gear transmission system. Finally, this transmission system connects to an electrical generator for converting the mechanical power to electrical energy. 

Because the EPM-2 is a very technical invention, it is difficult to explain and show to potential investors; therefore, a patent animation comes in handy.


For a patent to be “seen,” it’s essential to highlight the capabilities of the EPM-2; therefore, a technical animation is the answer. With Industrial3D’s experience, the patent owner turned to I3D to visualize the technical patent design.  

The first step of this process is to create a storyboard from the EPM-2 patent and technical drawings. The next step is to create the animated sequences of the storyboard, make it fancy and finally send it out into a 3D rendered animation. Finally, a voiceover artist explains the technical details shown in the animation.


Industrial3D is honored to provide a visual explainer animation to understand a complex Electromagnetic Platform Motor. Without the years of technical animation experience and visualization, I3D would not have been able to provide an animation for U.S Patent No. 9641045. A patent animation hopes to offer 3D visualizations for hard-to-explain products. Patents are full of fabulous inventions, so give the world a way to see these incredible pieces of development. Visit the Patent website here.

Watch the animation below.

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