Client Feature: “Floatainer” The Floating Container

By means of using the basic concept of a normal standard ISO freight container re- engineered into a fully marine floating container solution, Floatainer, LLC’s design provides a wide field of applications thanks to its capabilities of floating, seaworthiness, carrying cargo.

Freight containers one of the most versatile artifacts of modern life that changed the way of world commerce with a revolutionary impact in maritime transportation, do not float and have no stability, navigational capabilities, or structural soundness to withstand seaworthiness when launched into the water.

By means of using the basic concept of a normal standard ISO freight container re- engineered into a fully marine floating container solution, our company Floatainer, LLC’s ( design provides a wide field of applications thanks to its capabilities of floating, seaworthiness, carrying cargo.

There are three key areas based on Floatainer’s intended use as a marine floating cargo storage and transportation artifact:

1. In “commercial cargo maritime”.
2. In massive transportation of help supplies required in heavily affected areas due to natural catastrophes such as hurricanes, tsunamis, mega-floodings, blizzards, and “Climate Change” events.
3. In “military logistic transportation & storage” of hardware, ammunitions, and supplies, as a work platform, for special cargoes, in special operations, etc.

“Floatainer” has a Provisional Patent Application PPA USPTO.
Floatainer, LLC. Trademark pending USPTO.
Floatainer, LLC., a USA Company / Edgar Tovar / Email:

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