Me In 3: Changing The Hiring Process with Video Technology


One of our top goals at I3D is to be on the edge of the latest & newest technology. Whether it’s from the industrial world, showcasing the latest innovative tools, or to the business world of using video in meetings or interviews.

Today, we want to share about a company called Me In 3. Me In 3 is the future of hiring employees, recruiting sports candidates, and improving large company employee & user operations.

Me In 3 makes hiring personal and accessible. As the website states, “Resumes are old school,” the video tells so much more. For example, a video can show soft skills otherwise not seen on a resume and give a hiring manager a visual aid for finding the perfect candidate.  

The process is simple:

  1. Register your organization and make a profile.
  2. Post your open positions.
  3. Share the links on social media and everywhere you advertise your jobs.
  4. Watch the videos roll in and get to know your candidates fast!

Businesses looking for employees, colleges, sports teams, and large companies looking to improve internal employee operation can use the simple steps above. 

If you’re looking for a job, Me In 3 allows you to create a free video where you can introduce yourself and let your personality, passion, and communication shine. 

The digital platform that Me In 3 provides with their software is advantageous for hiring or recruiting managers and job seekers. Both sides make more intelligent decisions about the position, faster than any resume or piece of paper could do.

Me In 3 has multiplied and continues to expand with Me In 3 Enterprise and recruitment software for sports. From jobseekers to hiring managers, Me In 3 is the innovative solution for an improved hiring experience. Connect with your future employee or employer, sports manager, coworkers, or college with a personal video experience.

Read more by visiting this update. And be sure to visit the website for Me In 3 to help revolutionize interviews with video. Give Me In 3 a follow on social media: LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter.

Be sure to subscribe to Industrial3D on YouTube for 3D simulations, 3D animations, virtual reality and more immersive media development.

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